What A Pending Blockchain Transaction Means

Salomon Kisters

Salomon Kisters

Aug 10, 2023

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In the world of blockchain technology, transactions are at the heart of it all.

They are the building blocks that allow cryptocurrencies and other digital assets to move from one party to another in a secure and transparent manner.

But what happens when a transaction is marked as “pending”?

In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of pending blockchain transactions and demystify what it means for you as a user.

An Overview of Pending Transactions

When you initiate a transaction on a blockchain network, whether it’s sending or receiving digital assets, the transaction goes through a series of stages before it is confirmed and added to the blockchain. These stages include submission, verification, validation, and confirmation. During the verification and validation stages, the transaction is marked as “pending,” which indicates that it is awaiting further processing.

Why Transactions Get Marked as Pending

There are a few reasons why a blockchain transaction may become pending. Let’s explore some common scenarios:

Network Congestion

Blockchain networks can sometimes become congested due to high transaction volumes. Similar to rush hour traffic, when there’s a significant influx of transactions, the network may struggle to process them all in a timely manner. As a result, your transaction may end up in a pending state until there is enough capacity to handle it.

Insufficient Transaction Fee

In some blockchain networks, users have the option to attach a transaction fee to their transactions. This fee serves as an incentive for miners to prioritize the transaction and include it in the next block. If your transaction fee is too low, miners may prioritize other transactions with higher fees, causing yours to be delayed and marked as pending.

Network Synchronization

In decentralized blockchain networks, all nodes need to maintain a synchronized view of the blockchain. If there are discrepancies or delays in this synchronization process, it can result in pending transactions until the network reaches a consensus on the state of the blockchain.

What to Do When Your Transaction is Pending

Having a pending transaction can be a cause for concern, especially if it involves a significant amount of digital assets. However, there are a few steps you can take to address the situation:

Check the Transaction Status

The first thing you should do is check the status of your pending transaction. Most blockchain networks provide explorers or trackers that allow you to search for your transaction using its unique transaction ID or public key. By inputting the relevant information, you can get real-time updates on the progress of your transaction.

Be Patient

While it’s understandable to feel anxious about a pending transaction, patience is key in the world of blockchain. Depending on the factors mentioned earlier, it could take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours for your transaction to be confirmed. Panic-selling or attempting to cancel the transaction prematurely may cause unnecessary complications.

Consider a Higher Transaction Fee

If you suspect that your transaction is taking longer due to a low transaction fee, you may have the option to speed up the process by increasing the fee. This can incentivize miners to prioritize your transaction and push it through the verification and validation stages faster. However, be mindful of the fee structure and ensure that it is reasonable given the current network conditions.

Contact Support if Necessary

If your transaction has been pending for an unusually long period or if there are other issues that you suspect may be causing the delay, it may be worth reaching out to the support team of the blockchain network or platform you are using. They can provide insights into the specific circumstances surrounding your pending transaction and offer guidance on how to proceed.

The Implications of Pending Transactions

While pending transactions can be a temporary inconvenience, it’s important to understand their implications:

Transaction Reversibility

During the pending state, transactions are not yet finalized or irreversible. If you change your mind or need to modify certain details of the transaction, it may still be possible to do so. Once the transaction is confirmed and added to the blockchain, it becomes significantly harder to reverse or alter.

Account Balances

Until your transaction is confirmed and added to the blockchain, the digital assets involved in the transaction may not be reflected in the recipient’s account balance. Similarly, your account balance may not fully account for the funds being sent until the transaction is effectively completed. It’s crucial to keep track of pending transactions to avoid miscalculations or overdrawing funds.


Pending blockchain transactions are a common occurrence in the fast-paced world of cryptocurrencies and digital assets.

Understanding the reasons behind these pending transactions and knowing what steps to take can help alleviate concerns and ensure smooth interactions with the blockchain.

So, the next time you encounter a pending transaction, remember to be patient, verify the status, and, if necessary, take appropriate action to expedite the confirmation process.

By staying informed and proactive, you can navigate the world of blockchain transactions with confidence and peace of mind.

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